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案例研究:高溫 PEEK XT 延長井下泵壽命

井下泵的軸承故障可能導致嚴重的過程中斷和計劃外維護的額外成本。 由Drake Plastics在Syensqo的30%玻璃填充 KetaSpire® PEEK XT樹脂中注塑成型的支撐環在高溫下保持更高的機械性能,以延長設備的使用壽命。 與傳統的PEEK聚合物相比,新的PEEK配方還具有更高的熔體穩定性,在高溫加工過程中保持了材料的整體性能。


Bryan Quance
Picture of Bryan Quance

Bryan Quance

An Industrial and Systems Engineer, Bryan began his career with Drake in the Extrusion Operation where he gained hands-on working knowledge of high-performance polymers, stock shapes and precision-machined parts. He applies his experience to helping customers develop optimum solutions for their applications.